FYI: Instead of starting the year off with resolutions and junk, I like to take a look at the past year after it's been completely finished (so, in mid-January).
This year, I took a look at 2016 and the habits I maintained coming into 2017, the people I kept in contact with, the foods I kept eating, the clothes I kept wearing and finally came a conclusion on my surface-level analysis. 2016 was an incredible year and if I kept at it, 2017 would be much of the same. However, something that bothered me about my past self was that as much as I was living, I wasn't taking the time to reflect and properly process all that was happening to me. I live a beautiful life (alhamdulillah), and as grateful as I am - I didn't put much thought into the deep intentionality of my life and actions.
As a result of this conclusion, I decided to change my ways. I put a spotlight on intentionality.
For every month this year, I will be putting a focus on a different aspect of my life and slowly trying to change it. Key word: TRY.
Anyway, here's to looking at me trying to do things.
You know you love me!
XOXO Gossip Girl
jk, it's Anum